Mommy Makeover in Salt Lake City & Layton, Utah

The mommy makeover is very popular here in Salt Lake City and Layton, Utah. Women in Utah often get married early and often have many children at a relatively young age. They are in their 20’s and 30’s, done having children, and desire to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. Dr. York Yates has vast experience with the mommy makeover procedure, as this is a huge part of his practice.

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What is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is not a specific operation but instead tailored to the needs of each patient. It’s called a mommy makeover as the surgeries are designed to rejuvenate the changes that occur after pregnancy. The issues generally addressed with this procedure are saggy breasts, loss of breast fullness and size, stretch marks on the tummy, loose skin on the tummy, and flabby abdominal muscles. This surgery generally involves a combination of:

How much does a Mommy Makeover cost?

The fees associated with a tummy tuck and breast rejuvenation include 1) surgeon’s fees, 2) anesthesia fees, and 3) facility fees. For a list of the costs of common procedures performed by Dr. Yates, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on the particular needs of the patients. The most common combination is breast augmentation and abdominoplasty, combined as a single procedure. When the individual components of the procedure are more complex and will require longer operating times, we may choose to separate the procedures for safety.

Generally, one should wait until at least six months after delivery or breastfeeding to proceed with this surgery.

If a full tummy tuck is part of your individualized procedure then it is best to wait until after you are done having children before a mommy makeover.

A mommy makeover is a general term used to describe cosmetic surgery to restore a woman’s body after child-bearing. A mommy makeover most commonly refers to the combination of breast and abdomen surgery. Although a BBL can be combined with these procedures, issues such as safety and positioning during recovery must be considered. Dr. Yates will typically, but not always, perform BBL as a separate procedure.

The recovery after a mommy makeover depends on the actual procedures performed.

Recovery Information

The best way to schedule the consultation is to call the office. Alternatively, a virtual consultation is a great place to start if you would prefer an online visit.

Virtual Consultation

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Schedule a Consultation Today!

For questions or to find out more information on the mommy makeover procedure, contact our office at 801.525.8741 or schedule a consultation in Layton, Utah by contacting us here. Renowned plastic surgeon Dr. York Yates and his talented staff proudly serve patients in Layton, Salt Lake City, and surrounding areas.

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